You know those days when you look in the mirror and just feel like a big blob!? Well, today I had one of those days (I’ve been having that feeling a lot lately). I’m not just talking physically I feel very unhealthy in myself and groggy / little or no energy. That’s when you know you need to take action! So me and the boyfriend thought enough is enough, let’s see if we can eat clean for 1 month. We’re giving ourselves from today (17th July) a 1 month target and then by then hopefully the routine well naturally follow! I hope you all can see once I’ve written it to the people of the Internet it actually needs to happen and can’t just be a throw away goal HA!

Since becoming a vegetarian I have noticed I’ve lost a little bit of weight which is good but I’m still binging on unhealthy bits which isn’t good! It’s that feeling of giving into temptation and then the moment it hits your lips the shame and regret smacks you right in the face ha!

I’ve also been paying for gym membership for the past 4/5 months and not going nearly enough as I would like to. They say you have to start with your food and everything else will follow. So I’ve stocked up on avocado, bananas, peanut butter and my blender is at the ready! Now let’s do this! Who’s with me? 

Any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated 💗 xox 

Author: M I N I A T U R E ~ MILK

23 year old girl who wants to share little treasures. Midlands girl with a Mancunian soul. Sharing lifestyle, food recipes and fashion posts :) OH and I'm one half of 💜☮

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