Mental Health Awareness Week: My Story

Hey guys!

I just wanted to have a little catch up with you little lot! This week is Mental Health Awareness week (16-22nd May) so I thought I’d share something to raise some awareness and hopefully give you a little confidence boost along the way.

Recently I have been uploading to YouTube, I’m creating beauty and fashion videos at the moment but I have a few other ideas up my sleeve which will hopefully be super fun! This month I bought the Blogger Beauty Box for the second time and I was SO happy with some of the products I got. The box was packed with beauty goodies and even included a Makeup Geek blush pan! As I did last time I will try out all the products and review each of them in a few weeks so keep your beautiful eyes peeled for that. Anyway, I hear you thinking ‘where is this going?’, ‘And how is this going to boost my confidence?’ Well I hear ya..!

I started creating YouTube videos last month, at the tender age of 23. Now, for those of you who have met me will know I’m pretty shy so for me to do something like this may seem way out of character…But, I’ve wanted to create YouTube content for over 5 years now but I’ve NEVER had the confidence to. I’ve filmed and even part edited videos but never plucked up the courage to press that upload button. Being afraid of being judged in the real world stopped me from following through with what I was passionate about, I was always conscious of what other people might think of me, or what other people might say and that’s so sad…why should we live our lives a certain way because we’re worried about what others think? But I suppose that’s the anxiety speaking, the constant worry of what others have to say about us, the cloudy head, the feeling of wanting to shrivel up into a tiny ball, to run away from our thoughts. Nothing was stopping me from uploading videos to YouTube five years ago other than my mind! And we need to break the thinking cycle, train our minds to fight instead of flight…to help and support one another. 1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental health problem each year – 1 in 4!!! That’s a hell of a lot of people. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to speak out, the chances are someone you know will either be going through a similar thing or know someone going through a similar thing. The stigma surrounding mental health will shrink dramatically if we speak out and as my mum used to say ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’.

If you’ve missed opportunities because anxiety has had the better of you..Try to put yourself out there, one little step at a time. It’s so easy for me to sit here and tell you that but practise honestly does make perfect and the incredible sense of achievement after for pushing your boundaries will make the next time ten times easier. If you want any tips on how to be more mindful click here

If you want to head over to my channel and subscribe that would mean SO much to me, you can keep up to date when I post weekly vids 😀 CLICK me to sub 🙂

Creating this channel was a MASSIVE step for me, confidence wise…and the only thing I regret is not starting one sooner. I hope this little post has some what inspired you to go and push your boundaries and if any of you ever need to talk, my virtual door is always open…

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Tips on how to cope with anxiety


People have very different ways of dealing with stress and anxiety levels, for some going for a walk to clear their head may help, others a little bit of meditation may help. For me, as well as meditation I love practising breathing exercises so when I stumbled across this GIF which has been circulating the internet I couldn’t help but get mesmerised / excited ( a little sad, maybe – but wait until you see it!)

The shape starts out as a triangle, into a square, then a pentagon, hexagon, octagon and so on before folding back into itself – making it extremely satisfying to watch!

Breathing extremely slowely can help with clearing the mind from stressful situations and can often soothe the symptoms of a panic attack. Have a go see if you feel calm and more relaxed!

How to Deal with anxiety as a teen



If you want any more tips on how to stay motivated and be more mindful read my post here – Let me know in the comments how you may cope with anxiety.

Keep up to date with my daily life on my Social Media Links:

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INSTAGRAM @Miniature_milk

TWITTER @Imrose1

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Tips for dealing with anxietyTips for dealing with anxiety


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1.Write your ideas down.

2016 is for new adventures, new challenges and new ideas – All of those ideas you’ve thought of? …Yeah those! You’ve been putting off doing anything with them because for whatever reason something always gets in the way, right? 

1pm tues

It’s like saving money…something always crops up, whether that’s a social gathering, birthday or even a date. When trying to save money always leave yourself breathing room otherwise your setting yourself for a fail. Giving yourself room in your budget makes it ten times easier! This applies to progressing ideas – give yourself breathing room, set yourself realistic goals to make your dreams become reality.

Go grab a notebook and jot your ideas down, whenever you think of something note it down and once you have a bit of spare time do some research in how you can make your idea into reality. If you come to a grinding holt with writers block have a chat with someone about your idea – after all two heads are better than one!


2.Write your goals down.

I don’t mean unachievable goals either! Ones which are attainable – being happier in yourself, the holiday you’re saving for, even as small as going a week without alcohol or chocolate. Write down exactly what you want to achieve and why, stick it up on your wall so you can read it everyday. You need a reason why you would like to achieve this goal, there’s no point setting yourself a goal which won’t make you happier, I’m talking about real goals to have a positive influence on your life, not egotistical goals about being rich. These egotistical goals will in the short and long term make you unhappy. If you focus on these kinds of goals you work yourself to death being unhappy and your main focus is money. We’re here for a good time not a long time.

Whenever I feel demotivated I listen to Alan Watts this one gets me every time!


By setting yourself smaller more achievable goals you’re motivating yourself to keep going. You will feel so much more satisfied with yourself.

mindful3.Be mindful.

Being mindful really makes a difference to your mental state of mind.

Sometimes I feel myself getting stuck in an anxious state of mind, not being able to complete a task which may seem easy to most – this is the worst way to think when you’re feeling anxious (although it’s easier said than done). When you’re feeling anxious it’s bad enough feeling low and worthless without comparing yourself to others. Certain exercises may help you – although I’m no expert – I’ve listed a few below which have helped me in the past.

  1. Colouring books – My dad laughs when I’ve mentioned adult colouring books before but art therapy is a proven way of expressing yourself and focusing. It’s extremely therapeutic and can improve lives by helping people improve their mental, emotional, and even physical states. It can raise the quality of life for many people, and it’s worth considering if it can aid you in some way or another.
  2. Breathing exercises – Sitting down for 10-15 minutes and breathing can help you be more mindful. Start by breathing in and out slowly. One cycle should last for approximately 6 seconds. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, letting your breath flow effortlessly in and out of your body.Let go of your thoughts for a minute. Let go of things you have to do later today or pending projects that need your attention. Simply let yourself be still for one minute.
  3. Relaxation hynotherapy – I often listen to audio tracks which are there to relax your mind and body. This one I find particularly good and I usually listen to this before bed:

4. Meditation – This can help you be more aware of your thoughts. There are plenty of mediation courses around but if you can’t get out to one you can download an app on your phone to guide you through meditation. I have tried ‘headspace’ and ‘calm’.

New challenges, ideas and goals will make you grow as person, new years resolutions are often forgotten about by this time of year so let’s get back on track. 2016 is for you and when is a better time to start your journey other than now!

INSTAGRAM @Miniature_milk
TWITTER @Imrose1
WEBSITE http://www.buookie.com
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Thanks for checking in 🙂  Leave your blog links below so I can check them out! XOX


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